Saturday, 19 March 2016

Amazed with What Mother Nature has to Offer

Mother Nature always wow us with her masterpieces. Five of the Most Beautiful destinations below will blow your mind with its amazing beauty.

1. Split Apple Rock, New Zealand
Split apple rock
Two gods of Maori legend were fighting over the possession of a large boulder. To settle the matter, they used their godlike strength to break it in half. That’s the origin story of the subject of January’s photo, Split Apple Rock, just off of Kaiteriteri Beach in Abel Tasman National Park, South Island, New Zealand.

2. Mono Lake, California
Mono Lake is unique. For starters, it’s old–at least 700,000 years old and one of the oldest continuously existing lakes on the continent. Fed by huge glaciers during the last Ice Age, Mono Lake was 60 times larger than the 66 square miles it covers today.
Mono Lake is naturally salty and alkaline because it has no outlet. The only way water leaves is via evaporation. The Sierra streams that flow into Mono contain only trace amounts of minerals and salts but those minerals and salts stay and their concentrations, over the years, grow.

3. Great Blue Hole, Belize
The Great Blue Hole is a large underwater sinkhole off the coast of Belize. It lies near the center of Lighthouse Reef, a small atoll 100 kilometres (62 mi) from the mainland of Belize City.
The hole is circular in shape, over 300 metres (984 ft.) across and 125 metres (410 ft.) deep. The world’s largest natural formation of its kind, the Great Blue Hole is part of the larger Barrier Reef Reserve System, a World Heritage Site of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

4. Socotra Island, Yemen
Socotra Island
The name Socotra is derived from a Sanskrit name, meaning “The Island of Bliss”. Socotra is a perfect destination for the adventurous and nature loving travelers. Socotra takes pride in their eco-tourism and values their spectacular plant and wildlife that may sometimes be only found on this island. Although the lodging and facilities may not be the same as more modern and developed locations, Socotra is a beautiful and magnificent destination choice. Great care is shown to both guests and the environment.

5. Chocolate Hills, Philippines
The Chocolate Hills are probably Bohol’s most famous tourist attraction. They look like giant mole hills, or as some say, women’s breasts, and remind us of the hills in a small child’s drawing. Most people who first see pictures of this landscape can hardly believe that these hills are not a man-made artifact. However, this idea is quickly abandoned, as the effort would surely surpass the construction of the pyramids in Egypt.
The chocolate hills consist of are no less than 1268 hills (some claim this to be the exact number). They are very uniform in shape and mostly between 30 and 50 meters high. They are covered with grass, which, at the end of the dry season, turns chocolate brown. From this color, the hills derive their name. At other times, the hills are green, and the association may be a bit difficult to make.


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